Finland grants EuroGas Inc. a large mining reservation permit in North Central Finland via EuroGas Inc.’s Swiss Unit ZB Capital AG

The Board of Directors of EuroGas Inc. is pleased to announce receipt of a large mining reservation permit from the Republic of Finland, a full Member of the European Union, in the form of an approx. 200 square kilometer large mining permit to Laakso Minerals OY, the wholly-owned Finnish subsidiary of EuroGas Inc.’s Swiss Unit ZB Capital AG.

The new reservation permit area is located in north-central Finland near the Finnish-Russian border adjacent to the well-advanced Läntinen Koillismaa Copper Nickel Palladium project operated by several Vancouver based Canadian mining companies. Past and current Induced Polarization (IP) geophysical surveys have indicated a large extension of strong existing chargeability anomalies indicating potentially large sulphide Copper-Nickel-PGE (Platinum Group Elements) ore structures similar to the famous world-renown Norilsk (Russia) or Voisy Bay (Canada) Copper-Nickel PGE ore structures.

EuroGas Inc. plans to use the new Finnish mining permit of its Swiss unit ZB Capital AG to pursue now various offers for a re-listing of its stock in the North American equity markets.

September 14, 2020
Salt Lake City, UT

EuroGas Inc.

On behalf of the Board of Directors
Wolfgang Rauball
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer