ZB Capital AG
Impressive 2021 Exploration Program for Finland Unveiled
Focus on Search for Nickel-Copper-Platinum Group Elements Mineralisation and Diamonds in Finland’s prolific Kuusamo Mining District
ZB Capital AG has unveiled an impressive package for future participations in governmental reservation- and mining license applications of its wholly-owned Finnish mining subsidiary Laakso Minerals Oy for the exploration and exploitation of mineral lands covered under existing and potential reservation areas and applications for diamond reservations and licenses in the prolific Kuusamo Mining District of North-Central Finland bordering Russia.
In summer 2020 the Finnish Mining Authority TUKES has awarded ZB Capital’s Finnish mining arm Laakso Minerals Oy a 209 square kilometer large mining „reservation“ area, which has received world-wide geological attention and recognition due to the drilling of a 3000 m deep geological exploration borehole on ZB-Laakso Mineral‘s reservation area, which Finland’s governmental Geological Survey Company GTK, commenced drilling on September 30, 2020.
The purpose of the 3000m deep hole is to solve a centuries-old geological mystery about a potential high-grade CuNi PGE mineralised „Hidden Dyke“ orebody at a depth of 1.500 – 2.500 m, which is believed to connect two major mineral intrusions in the Kuusamo Mining District.
ZB Capital is very fortunate that GTK had picked Laakso Minerals „Feeder Dyke“ reservation area for the drilling of its 3000m deep geological reconnaissance bore-hole after having carefully studied the entire Kuusamo Mining District through multi-seismic and EM surveys for a suitable mining property since 2018.
Recently Laakso Minerals has applied to TUKES for additional reservation areas in the Kuusamo Mining District for further approx. 263 square kilometer of reservation areas.
In addition to this ZB Capital through Laakso Minerals Oy has filed applications for several reservation areas and mining licenses for diamond containing a total of 12 Diamond kimberlite pipes in the vicinity of Laakso Mineral‘s potential high-grade NiCu PGE „Feeder Dyke“ reservation area.
The Kuusamo Mining District is geologically located within the very prospective Karelian Craton Diamond Belt which also contains two of the largest producing Diamond Mines in the world, the huge Lomonosov and Grib Diamond Mines, located within the Karelian Craton Diamond Belt only 400 km east of ZB Capital’s Laakso Minerals‘ mining properties, on the Russian side of the Finnish-Russian border. See maps below.
Summary :
ZB Capital AG’s 2021 summer exploration season in Finland looks to become an exiting work season for ZB Capital and its Finnish mining arm Laakso Minerals Oy.