Und so weiter und so weiter und so weiter………

Was sagte nochmal der korrupte Bergbau Boss Kukelcik unter Eid auf Befragen durch die Arbitrators im ICSID Hearing der Welt Bank in Paris im September 2016 ?

Kukelcik : „There is absolutely no corruption in Slovakia“!

An important witness in several cases committed suicide


František Böhm was involved in corruption cases involving former top police officials.

One of the key witnesses in several corruption cases involving former high-ranked police officers, František Böhm, committed suicide.

The incident took place in the late-night hours of February 12 in Plavecký Štvrtok (Bratislava Region). Private broadcaster TV JOJ was the first to break the news.

Before he shot himself in the head, Böhm shot his wife, who reportedly tried to prevent him from committing suicide. She was transported to the hospital, TV JOJ reported. This information was later confirmed by the police.


Bribes to the police

Böhm was a former employee of the Slovak Information Service (SIS) intelligence agency and used to be in the fuel business. He started cooperating with the police and testified about corruption among high-ranking police officials.

He himself was prosecuted for bribing. He reportedly bribed former police chief Milan Lučanský, detained and charged in the Judáš (Judas) police operation. The prosecution was stopped after Lučanský committed suicide in late December 2020.

Böhm said in one of his testimonies that he gave hundreds of thousands of euros to chief representatives of the Financial Administration and the police to cover his business with fuel and VAT refunds, the Sme daily reported.


Case will be checked

The media outlets meanwhile reported that the investigators of the National Criminal Agency (NAKA) did not seize Böhm’s weapons after he had been charged.
General Prosecutor Maroš Žilinka thus asked the regional prosecutor in Bratislava to check this decision and determine whether a crime was committed.

“General Prosecutor Maroš Žilinka considers it unacceptable that people charged with serious crimes possess firearms,” said his spokesperson Jana Tökölyová, as quoted by the SITA newswire.

Žilinka will also turn to the special prosecutor to check the steps of the prosecutor of the Special Prosecutor’s Office who supervised the case.

The incident will be checked by the Police Corps Presidium as well.