High Noon in Slovakia

Corrupt Slovak Opposition Leader and Ex Prime Minister Robert Fico tried to defend ousted corrupt mining „Godfather“ Kukelcik in tumultuous Press Conference

April 27, 2020 Facebook Posting by new Slovak Minister of Economy Richard Sulik reveals TA3 Televison report on aggressive April 22, 2020 Press Conference by Opposition Leader Robert Fico complaining bitterly over Sulik’s ousting of corrupt mining „Godfather“ Kukelcik

Sulik’s Facebook Posting on TA3 Report accuses Kukelcik also of illegal expropriation of EuroGas‘ Gemerska Poloma talc mine

Slovak television station TA3 on Press-Conference of the Leader of the Opposition  and ousted Ex-Prime Minister Robert Fico criticizing firing of Slovak Mining-Boss Peter Kukelčik by the new Minister of Economy Richard Sulik



„Ladies and gentlemen, a scandal of what SaS did, what Sulík did, because he replaced the Head of the main mining office (HBÚ), Mr. Peter Kukelčik, who worked at the Head of the main mining office (HBÚ) for 15 years and he knew exactly what this work is about.“


Peter Kukelčík is behind the case of illegally revoking the license for talc mining in Gemerská Poloma, due to which Slovakia faces know a multi billion Euro arbitration. In 2009 20 coalminers died in Handlová. The investigation was manipulated by Peter Kukelčik. His intervention caused that a report on breach of safety regulations by the „Hornonitrianske bane of Prievidza“ mysteriously disappeared from the file.

Do you also remember the case of cheap sales of Slovak gold? It has already been determined who was responsible for it, you guessed right: Peter Kukelčík !

Nobody wanted to investigate the mine explosion in Nováky for two years because Kukelčik had personally intervened with the investigation.

And we could go on and on, for example, by his manipulating or purposefully circumventing the EIA law. He was also publicly accused of stealing a patent from technical documentation. The inactivity of his office in the case of Kremnica with the dismissal of Dušan Celár from the mining office of Košice and the German Energetic information Web which described Kukelčík as „Nightmare of the Slovak Republic“ are only more examples of Kukelčiks activities.