ZB Capital lands another huge Mining Coup in Finland
The Republic of Finland‘s General Mining Administration announced yesterday Laakso Minerals Oy, wholly-owned Finnish mining arm of Swiss ZB Capital AG, winner in a Moratorium Tender Bid Application for a 740 square kilometer large reservation mining area in the Kuusamo Mining District of North-Central Finland
ZB Capital’s application area for the new 740 square kilometer large reservation mining area, earmarked as Section No. „VII“ on ZB Capital’s land-holding map below, is located adjacent north-east to ZB Capital‘s 209 square kilometer large „Feeder Dyke“ mining reservation area together with the drill location of the Republic of Finland’s State owned GTK’s 3000m deep hole, and extends further to the East to the Finnish-Russian border.
A smaller mining section of 25 square kilometers with high-grade Nickel-Copper showings was also bid for in the recent Moratorium Tender by ZB Capital’s Finnish mining arm Laakso Minerals Oy and is shown below as Section No. „VIII“.
These new mining reservation areas in the geologically highly prospective diamondiferrous Karelian Craton Belt, which also hosts the 2 gigantic Russian Diamond Mines Lomonosov and Grib, ranking among the 8 largest producing Diamond Mines in the world, located only 400 km east of ZB Capital’s Finnish mining areas, comprise now a total of approx. 1300 square kilometer ( 321.237 acres). These acquisitions, once officially recorded with the Finnish Mining Authorities, will make ZB Capital through its wholly-owned Finnish mining arm Laakso Minerals Oy the largest reservation mining land-holder in the prolific Kuusamo Mining District in Finland.