Storm transforms into Gale

Now The Shit Hits The Fan Bigtime ! Gerät jetzt auch Robert Schmid unter massiven Korruptionsverdacht ? Robert Schmid’s Richter am District Court Bratislava I, Vladimir Sklenka, wurde im März 2020 durch NAKA der Korruption, Bestechung und Amtsmissbrauch beschuldigt...

Die Schlafmützen in Brüssel wachen endlich auf

Die Schlafmützen in Brüssel wachen endlich auf EC criticises Slovakia for its state of judiciary The recently published rule of law report mentions the fight against corruption, among others. Slovakia has problems with its state of judiciary and corruption. This stems...

The case of the bill of exchange is in the finals

Finally Justice Prevails ! Sentenced corrupt Slovak Ex-Minister of Economy and Vice-Primeminister Pavol Rusko is facing the Truth in Court The Culprit in the Gemerska Poloma Caper will go where he belongs to : To Jail ! EuroGas won‘t stop here and will soon bring...